Saturday, March 6, 2010

Compulsive complaining syndrome

Its caused by a bug, the bug in the mind
Every generation as it starts ageing physically, starts creating this bug in its mind....I am just 21 but even I do it at times!!

It leads to neverending complaints about the younger generation---- they are crazy, they have no discipline, they are more dishonest, they follow no rules, they eat such rubbish, they work all night, they want to follow their own will, they dont follow our culture, they dont read what we used to, they have lost the tradition...........and to top it all "when we were young........", "in our times....".................."Oh this is nothing! during the days of my great great great grandfather..........................."

Callously ignoring the fact that every new generation grows up on the aftermaths of the explorations, creations, expectations and understandings of the older generation....

If your son plays too much on the play station....remember, someone from your generation probably conceptualized it for him.......What is new for you, is perhaps normal and obvious for your child like the many activities and objects of our daily life

Its most pacifying to complain and most natural to be anxious about their future...however its best to let them cope with it the way they can.

p.s. trying to imitate them to understand them better generally leads to identity crisis