Saturday, January 16, 2010

States....(states of human selves...not the ones that have roads and houses and ministers fighting)

In the past four years i have repeated like a parrot "To design something, one must understand the context..." ...i still am loyal to the thought...however with a little more insight into how much more can be the context.....

When giving presentations..we would sulkingly divide our observations under Psychographics, demographics and ...(I would wonder why was it always a loathsome graphic)....and so on...

But Psychographics can actually be so aloof when we take a generic perspective.....
Leave alone a group.. ..the psychographics of a single person do not follow a straight path or a confirmed path...Our personalities transform..not just in years but also in hours, minutes and heavens forbid..seconds!

And its not just to do with our surroundings, and gender, and age, and religion ..its to do with everything we experienced throughout our lives (even something as basic as a bird defecating on you)..the enormisity of such experiences in undoubtedly inexplicable but what is even more fascinating is.. that any of the experiences that a person may have had..can resurface...and then maybe at that particular moment ..the previous understanding of the personality may not be anything near perfect...phew

So, during a  single day a person could be dominated by some past experience  and then maybe gradually resurface into a more rational present self to simply deter it all by borrowing someone else's standards of beliefs (mostly when they say "what would the SOCIETY say?" or "What would your relatives say?" and maybe "What would the street dog think?" and so on...) ....

So then..whom to cater.....?

Some of us have a more consistent self.. Some have an ever fluctuating self and some are fixated selves.....

It would be fascinating to own something that could cater to all these selves....just like the toys whose functions vary with age..maybe toys whose functions vary according to the momentscapes of these varying selves....

Just a my adult self..... while the child self sleeps and the parent self is yet to evoke

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